DC Animated Universe

Goliath was the stage name of a former circus performer.


Named for his enormous size and strength, Goliath once worked in a circus, presumably as the strong man. Eventually he retired from the circus, now in favor of a pastoral life on a farm with several other retired performers. He was valuable as the farm's strongman, able to accomplish feats of labor that would normally require heavy machinery. Although his great strength would probably have been marketable in other venues, Goliath was tired of people staring and looking at him oddly, and thus opted to work on Richard's farm and mill.

When Killer Croc stumbled onto their farm, Goliath welcomed him as another tormented "freak" and even stood up to Batman when he was pursuing Croc. When Croc turned on the group and locked them in a cage, Goliath helped Batman break one of the bars and enable him to escape.

Background information[]

Goliath's stage name comes from the Bible, attributed to a Philistine warrior known for his towering height and enormous strength.


Batman: The Animated Series
